Monday, July 27, 2009

I think therefore I am

I love that phrase. I think therefore I am. I also believe that people misconstrue this phrase too much as well. I have heard that all too similar philosophy that we can only confirm our own existence, and these people use that phrase. I think therefore I am. They also think that thought is limited to the conscious. But I say perception is just as valid as thought. They both come from the same organ. If I believe my thoughts exist I might as well believe my sight exists. Socrates says that sight can deceive us, so we in turn give that as reasoning for it to be invalid. But doesn't thought deceive us much more than sight? Deceit is the child of thought, of conscious thought. Deceit is a faculty made by the creative part of the brain. Thinking outside the box.

I would say the worst part of growing up and becoming an adult is not the realization of the truth, not the realization of how the world is. Its the realization that imagination is a lie, that dreams are a lie. It is the shallow accusation that to dream is to have your head in the clouds. Our parents, our peers, they literally pull us down. Pull our heads out of the clouds, that's not where they belong apparently. Humans belong on the ground, humans need to be kept in houses, cars, and assorted cages.

So in regards to perception, those that say that we can only prove our existence, they couldn't be more wrong. If I can prove that I have a right hand I can prove that I have a left. If I can prove that I have eyes I can prove I can see with them. If I can prove that I am affected by someone I can prove that they are there. what defines a person? Who gives a shit what form they are in? They satisfy my entire being, they give me proverbial warmth. I feel them, they have significance. If my brain can manufacture an ultimate world it can manufacture the errors, it can simulate happenstance on the other side that I have no idea about. If I close a door to a room I can prove the contents in the room exist by my mere presence. Everything is connected, otherwise time has no merit.

So then what is death? I would say death is only the absence of life, death is nothing. Death only has meaning while the living is alive. While the being is capable of thinking it, giving it meaning. It is us that gives meaning, meaning is a faculty not known unless something that has the capacity to appreciate can and does. Understanding dwells within a vessel, not by itself. Our spirit is understanding. That is like saying a flame can burn without a candle, if a flame can burn without a candle it entirely defeats the purpose of being a flame. It has a niche and that is why it has a name. I would also say one thing of death, death is the ultimate loneliness. This is what is so hard to admit, because we have such a strong desire to not be alone. What is every organism, every living thing scared of? Death. But I would also say, loneliness. Loneliness is the ultimate death. Every single living thing does not spend its life alone. I can promise that. Anything living thing can be defined as being capable of reproduction. Perpetuation of the species, it is a drive so strong that it is manifested within loneliness. And I would say that the fear of loneliness surpasses death by far. Because that is also part of the definition of death, to be alone. We all die alone, great line from a great movie. Donnie Darko.

How bad would death be if you didn't suffer it alone? I would say reality is defined by the existence of others. Contrary to what everyone seems to think. Death is a reality, but whats after is not. Reality to us is what we can experience in life. Death is scary because we have to leave our beloved, our companions that have lived with us. They lived as well, that carries such meaning for the individual. How can we feel that we can live without others?! How come when faced with the filth humanity can heave upon us, we feel like we could do without the world? Like everyone else is out to get us, or incredibly cold to us. We build a hate for the world when these despicable people give incentive for us to believe that people are evil, the world is a lie, everything about us is disgusting. So then how the fuck can we place our value above others? What is the use of your life if you are alone? As humans were built to fuck, built to socialise, built to vicariously live longer. How can you be any more special or unique when the only thing you have (life) is shared by the rest of the world? Action, it is what we do, believe, and think that gives us any sort of merit. So if your goal is just to live than that is impossible, most of all as humans we have one thing that is unique, a will to do things beyond living. A will to dream, to go into the clouds and stay for as long as we damn well please.

Now this is under the assumption that death is the narrowing of living, reality; something diffusing into nothing. I would say the strongest argument I have heard against this is that there is a necessity for it. That we desire so strongly for life after death, to not be alone, etc... but their strong argument is in fact the weakest one. Just because I cry and long for wings doesn't make it so. Emotion doesn't serve a basis for anything in the realm of truth. Emotion is only that which gives what we do meaning to us. Emotion is just heightening of incentive for any sort of action or logical thought. Why is a little kid given a Popsicle when he/she cries? Because he/she wants it that bad. We do what we want, because we are slaves to wants. But wants are incentive for action, at least in the case of humans. Seeing as our logic is refined and more efficient, we need a lot more emotion for incentive to live. So this is exactly why necessity is not a proof for life after death. Just because we desire it, need it, doesn't make it so. This is why we are so thoroughly convinced there is life after, because there is a necessity for it. There is a heaven as long as we are alive to think there is one, because it is incentive to live. It makes us happier, because we do not want to be alone. We do not desire to loose our consciousness. We do not desire to be nothing. We don't desire to lose control. But is this the right incentive?

Somewhere along the line as humans, we decided it just wasn't enough to live on this earth. We have to live somewhere else as well. And not just that, but its not even enough to pass on the gift of life to a child. It was around the time that a horrid thought crossed our minds, a horrid abstract, higher thought, from a horrid abstract primal priest. A priest that says, "what if?" It was then that Jesus died on the cross it was then that there was a heaven or a hell. Not when the bible was conceived by assorted "prophets." Because it was then that we decided the gift of life and consciousness was simply not enough. That is what we are in the animal kingdom, the incontent. So this is where I get personal, this is where I give my two cents on the religious. This is why what you preach holds no water for me; you believe. You lie. You have faith. Don't have faith, have hope. Don't believe, desire. Because THAT is the truth. You desire a god, you definitely don't have one. At least, not the one from scripture if at all. You desire so you lie to believe. And I believe that is the definition of a hypocrisy.

So it is ok to dream, ok to imagine. but if you desire truth, don't let that muddy its waters. and Most of all, don't impose your will to truth upon others. That is something I learned the hard way. When I knew my grandma in life, her beliefs gave her what she needed to live. When I saw here in death, it gave those who loved her reason to cope. So I was silent, I hid my disparity towards the situation. I don't want to die, so I am gonna live. I am gonna live damn well. That is my incentive, not so I can strive for some reward that doesn't exist. But if that works for the poor fools let them have it. Let them have their crutch. and if it is a dream amongst the fellow dreamers with me, I admire their optimism, because there are a lot of people who love to impose their will out there. But I would also say that optimism and dreams are dangerous things, don't let it consume you. I will say one more thing;

That is the glory of a dream
it is the only invincible thing in a world of fragility
you can bend and twist a dream any which way
you can condense it, release it
it will only be satisfied or die inside the beholder
but given the chance it will resurrect.
and maybe even after the beholder dies
would it not remain if they came back?


So familiar and overwhelmingly warm

This one, this form I hold now

Embracing you, this reality here

This one, this form I hold now

So wide-eyed and hopeful

Wide-eyed and hopefully wild

We barely remember what came before this precious moment

Choosing to be here right now, hold on, stay inside

This body holding me, reminding me that I am not alone in

This body makes me feel eternal, all this pain is an illusion

We barely remember who or what came before this precious moment

We are choosing to be here right now, hold on, stay inside

This holy reality

This holy experience, choosing to be here in

This body

This body holding me

Be my reminder here that I am not alone in

This body

This body holding me

Feeling eternal, all this Pain is an illusion


In this holy reality

In this holy experience, choosing to be here in

This body

This body holding me

Be my reminder here that I am not alone in

This body

This body holding me

Feeling eternal, all this Pain is an illusion

Swirling round with this familiar parable

Spinning, weaving round each new experience

Recognize this as a holy gift and Celebrate this chance to be

Alive and breathing, the chance to be

Alive and breathing

This body holding me reminds me of my own mortality

Embrace this moment, remember: we are eternal, all this pain is an illusion


Once more, nothing describes how I feel more perfectly than this song. This song is art.

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