Saturday, May 14, 2011

Syntactical Alchemy

Welcome back dear,  it's been so long.  The weeds have grown over us so black and cold,  all the blossoms of last spring have unfurled gently in their coalesced blue ultramarine hue.  After watching the black swan drown I connected with her dark rippling sheen. and I let it flow down, down,

far... . . .  .  .  .   .      .     .

into my introversion.  Deep seated perversions glowing deep red in the coals, and the hot yellow ash licks my spine.  Growing brighter, glowing, effervescent in the cowering,  she cries,  she lies,  she steams in the sepia oil streams.  Sweeeeet seeething,  deeeep greeeeeening,  preening my feathers timid from the blowing hot glass pooling drooling over the new dawn in her eyes,  cyan from the lukewarm heavenly slow,          ,static touching and sliding electricity,     ,  she flies,  she tries. . . . She lies when she cries she tires when she files down those indulgent purple ambitious dreams,  Flickering down the meandering tropic streams.

This was an example of my indulgent mind,  there are more pieces to the puzzle however.  I have always wondered about the placebo effect of psychology.  IF we are told the symbols of our dreams have a deep seated subconscious meaning,  we find this to be true.  IF we are told the right and left sides of our brains have different personalities,  we believe it.  My right and my left are married in a sacred dance.  My father and my left brain is obsessed with symbols,  math,  and the divine.  My mother and my right brain are flowing in the big picture,  the giant cosm of time,  and the occult.  It is as if they are possessed by an inclusive mandala of exclusion AND inclusion. When I write and draw with my left hand my mother comes out,  gaia.  The lines are never straight,  but the meaning never strays.  It sways in the rhythm of the wind,  a frequency I rarely get in sync with.  This was an example of my hybrid mind,  carrying out its indulgences rationally.  Now my purely cold and sterile rational.  This is pronounced "rash, ee, ooohne, al."

If I have an intention then I will have a reason. I have an intention. So I have a reason.
If I have a reason then I will have an intention. I do not have an intention. So I do not have reason.

If I have an intention for something then I will have a reason for it.
If I have a reason then I have used logic.
Therefore if I use Logic I have an intention for something.
If I have an intention for something then I desire a purpose for something.
I have an intention for something
Thus I desire a purpose for something.

If I desire a purpose for something then I have an intention for something.
If I have an intention for something then I am using logic.
Thus if I desire a purpose for something then I am using logic.

If I am using logic to satisfy a desire for something to have a purpose then that something will have a reason for me to desire it to have a purpose.
If that something has a reason then it has used logic.
If that something has used logic then it has an intention.
Therefore if I am using logic to satisfy a desire for something to have a purpose then that something has an intention.
However this statement is valid if and only if the reason for me to desire that something to have a purpose is identical to the reason I have used Logic. 

Next is the hybrid of chaos,  the hybrid of ideas that could never be thought without a formula of the truth beyond;  the truth beyond my reasons. The higher plane of truth,  alchemically produced. 

Welcome back dear,  it's been so long and your intentions are my reasons if I have an intention at all.  The weeds I have,  grown reason as I will have it, will then cover us so black and cold if only.. . . .

  all the blossoms if they have a reason I had last spring have an intention unfurled gently in their coalesced blue ultramarine hue I do not have anymore.  AND So I do not morn,  After watching the black swan drown, for I connected with her reasons.  Her intentionally dark rippling sheen. and I will then let it have me flow down, down, for I do not have a reason. 

I have fallen

far... . . .  .  .  .   .      .     .

than I was logically used to,

down into reasons,  If I have them. and only then I will therefore intend to find something,

into my introversion and Wasn't it something?    Deep seated perversions for something glowing deep red in the coals purpose I desire, and the hot yellow ash I have intended for licks my spine. SOME Thing is  Growing brighter, glowing, effervescent in the cowering did I have an intention for her?
 if she cries,  she lies about something;  if she steams then I desire.

in the sepia oil streams my purpose in thus used sweetly.  Sweeeeet seeething intentions,  deeeep greeeeeening perversions,  preening my feathers to show my intentions. Leaving her timid from my desires for the blowing hot purpose.

IF I am becoming glass to satisfy my desire which is pooling down my chest and drooling over my purposes the first dawn in her eyes gives me new reasons.  cyan makes me want to cry for it to have reason  for from the lukewarm I have cried for logic for if it has logic it is heavenly but the process is slow,

She lies when she says she has reasons.
when she cries I lose all the logic I have.
 when she tires I fuel those desires for purpose.
when she files down,
I reason down,
to the bone,

those valid indulgent this as if purple flows reasonably into valid ambitious dreams honed by the valor of truth,


Flickering down the meandering tropic streams,  I see where our purpose truly lies,  I see where it hides.

We must be careful before we are forgotten.

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