Wednesday, October 26, 2011

This paragraphs name is Oocanopterus

I love that we have names for every little thing in Science.  When you think about it, all the tangible things we have are just different arrangements governed by their oscillations and interactions.  But regardless of these things we have names for each size and identifying shape of each and every thing that arises from these interactions. A grain of sand is a grain of sand but many grains of sand is a beach,  how many grains does it take to make a beach?   The key here is "identifying"  We give these collected objects and scenes around us an identity that we can sometimes agree on.  Yet as human beings we seem to identify with everything but ourselves,  because we are the "identifiers"  The Identifier shouldn't identify  himself.  This is where the desire for a god comes in,   we want to be identified by something larger that can explain to us who we are better than we feebly try to do ourselves.  This also gives us a purpose in a way. 

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