Friday, March 6, 2009

I think I am in love

Here is an artist that does body painting that I stumbled upon looking for dart frog vendors,

Mairsa Caichiolo. Her stuff is awesome. She painted some of these women to look like species of dart frogs. I would pay her to do that for me anyday! hahaha. but here are a couple of examples, starting from the beggining is the firebelly toad, and this format is aweful by the way. Curse you blogger! but starting from bottom is;

Firebelly toad, Dendrobates Azureus, Dendrobates Azuleo (might not be a real species), Pumilio "strawberry frog", and unlabeled by her but I am sure it is a pumilio and a tinctorius, and finally the pac man frog. which is totally ironic because the frog is so fat and the girl so small.

Oh an I thought I would add this chick she drew on. You know how I talk about how my favorite feature on a woman is her face. well this chick has one of the prettiest faces I have ever seen. I wish I could just crop the face but I couldn't. Wow, before I knew it my blog turned into low grade porn.

1 comment:

  1. The more I look at this the funnier it is and the more I almost want to bring it down in embarassment.
