Thursday, March 19, 2009

Something more personal

If there is anything that I take for granted it is language. I have always thought, "how the hell can you major in speaking???" Because it seems like such second nature. I also, regretably, have felt for the longest time that anything involved in the study of humanity is pointless; useless. But once in a while I do see the beauty in humanity, believe it or not. As I also once in a while feel no need for society (ok, mayby a lot!) But once again, in complete narrow mindedness and total irony, I hate narrow mindedness. hahaha. Hate, a generally narrowing emotion. Hate, something that spawns ignorance like garbage spawns flies and maggots. Although I imagine there are some coincidences where hate possibly does something benificial, it is the more limiting of desires. And notice I say desire, because I believe hate and resentment go hand in hand. Something that some people follow more passionately than almost anything. Revenge is a dish best served cold, what an aweful phrase. There is so much time vested in vengence that it borders with total ludacris.

But to get back on the subject of the study of humanities. I always felt that mankind is something that is not worth studying, because it is like studying yourself. Whether we like it or not we have some sort of connection between each other. (I really hope I don't have to explain that last sentence.) I always felt that mankind was something not worth studying because it is so subject to change and can go on the most obscure paths. But at the same time, wow! Isn't that the beauty of it? Now let me tell you why I still do not strive to go down that path, of humanity. Because I believe that what we see in man, the beauty that is in us, is a beauty that is prevalent throughout all life. A species is a species because it can be. But here is something that I take for granted even more than the study of humanity, the study of language. or more like, the beauty of language, speech, and thought.

Notice I say thought, because I believe that falls under the same category. Every conversation you have with someone shares a common thought flow (although the relatedness varies, the thought is shared.) We always talk about what a gift it is for us to have such comprehension, our great brains. We have souls, we have desires, we have so much. Apparently we have a higher cause. But what is the use of all those things without the gift of communication? of speech? What a gift it is for me to actually have a fellow human being to convey my thoughts to. For that person in turn to respond, provoke my thoughts! ah! how nice. For a feeling to be shared amongst people, thus amplified perhaps? Suddenly our lives have more significance, we have fellow beings. We care for each other. How cheesey. but so taken for granted. But rarely understood or given perspective. Take a look at who you have closest to you. What a gift they are. They give you so much more meaning. Whether that meaning is for something productive, significant, who gives a damn!? At least there is meaning! But let me tell you one thing as well, what is that meaning without the ability to convey it? Language. This one will be short and sweet. Go home early, my gift to you. ha.

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