Thursday, April 15, 2010

At the moment, I am nothing. Maybe in a minute I won't be

This site at the moment for me is two things, one a last resort for any sort of mild entertainment and two; a painful reminder at how incredibly fragile my memory is. I have this sort of disease, this special condition where I tend to remember only in images. I only remember something by piecing together something else that reminds me of what exactly I wanted to do. I remember one night I had something I really wanted to say on here. I remember in one moment I was painting and I wanted to really write my thoughts down. My disease is being human.

I did, but not in any language that anyone can read. I can't even read it, its all isolated within this painting that I have been slaving over for weeks that I feel like will blow a persons mind for a second.

But just for that one second, it is very, VERY worth it. Time is much better spent slaving over something that looks appealing rather than a blog post that will appeal to nobody. Nobody more than myself. words are my immediate shout for exasperation, these shouts on paper may not eventually look like shouts anymore. Several slashes and stabs here and there. Vibrant emotional colors swirling together to create an ultimate image. The image ends up being my resolved conflict.

The image ends up being my answer to my question, try this sometime. Paint or draw an answer to a question that has been screaming for an answer. Don't scream too loud because the answer may be no louder than a whisper.

But this is not what people want to see, the hero that died trying is not worth telling about to future generations. Every noble sacrifice of a martyr always produces a wanted effect afterwards. we push a child away from a car because that is noble. People want to see conflict resolved and battled, not just by itself.

But what if both you and the child die? Sure the gesture was probably the greatest sacrifice you could make. But if you hadn't of jumped in front of the car one person would be saved. Utilitarianism at its best. I would jump regardless, I am a hero without a cause. An apple ripening on a tree just to eventually wither on the branch and fall to the ground to rot for the ants. At least in death I can serve a purpose for something besides myself.

Have you ever felt like you were meant for something more?

Have you ever felt like maybe if you could just be heard you could actually make a difference?

Stagnation can only be broken by a rock. Tranquility is a fine goal, freedom ever the better. But first we must endure the rapids if we would ever want to become a still lake. Freedom even on paper is an impossible goal, everything comes at a cost. It is the cost that yields the benefit, we know this. We knew this from the moment we stole our first breath of air. we know this as we take every breath afterwards. I know this when I sit in the limbo between work and school. In the darkest hours is when I shine, brimming with desire to do something well.

I just have to build up this energy, this potential. Take all my energy out of simply moving through time and actually move through space, through my brush and pen, through my fingers onto the canvas. I feel my cup filling up once more, What will happen when the meniscus breaks? The cup will become empty again.


  1. I'm curious.
    What purpose after life do you believe you'll serve?
    (Disclaimer: this is not a loaded question, rather a plainly simple one.)

  2. i could respond to your simple question how ben responded to my simple question, but that would be mean of me to do.

  3. then somehow i will make you look like the bad guy

  4. I actually think that was a very valid question. I believe that unless I do something great that purpose I serve will be to small to really predict. Just by breathing I am disturbing the air molecules around me, maybe that could disrupt the flight pattern of one solitary mosquito. For me it is not whether I serve a purpose but rather if that purpose is good or bad. Since I have this hunch that I will not live after I die, it makes it all the more urgent and pressing that I make something of my life here while I still have the chance. This very moment I am here right now is one of the luckiest moments in the universe, at least assuming that we are not living in a manufactured world right now. To be honest Kayanne the idea of a creator scares the living crap out of me. How do we know he is good? How will we ever know when or if we always have been in Hell? But that is just my paranoia, you can take it or leave it however you wish.

  5. i never said it wasn't valid. i agree that it is valid, i was just sayin that i could do that. but im a nice guy, so i didn't.

  6. Are you being nice or avoiding confrontation? You don't have to be a nice guy to me, you can punch me in the face. Maybe I might like it.

  7. being nice. not to you. and you don't like being punched in the face, i do it often.

  8. yeah, trial and error my friend, we have deduced that I don't like being punched in the face.

  9. "This very moment I am here right now is one of the luckiest moments in the universe, at least assuming that we are not living in a manufactured world right now. To be honest Kayanne the idea of a creator scares the living crap out of me. How do we know he is good? How will we ever know when or if we always have been in Hell?"

    I still absolutely love your thoughts. I agree... to be alive in this moment is lucky as luck can be.
    I understand why the idea of a creator scares you. It does me too... And as for the Hell question, I honestly don't have an answer. I honestly don't know if I can say I believe in Hell. I surely believe in a loving creator, so I don't think there can be such a place... but that's just my theology. A lot of people will disagree with me there. And your answer to how I know God is good may sound cliche to you, but I'ma tell you anyway: love. When people can get out of their selfish nature and truly give to another human being I think that is a gift of God because I don't believe that any human being can be selfless on their own. I also think that every human being demonstrates God through them... whether they believe in God or not.

    Wow. Sorry this took me so long to reply. I haven't checked up on this in awhile. Love your thoughts. Love you more though.
