Thursday, April 22, 2010


There are sounds of thunder rumbling across my house, rippling down the fabric of my nervous system and translated into shivers down to my fingers and toes. when I was little I was scared of thunder, but now I love it.

Pure unbridled chaos, tearing holes in the atmosphere.

Don't worry everybody, this is the time of year that I cheer up.

This is the time of year that my posts get shorter because I am out experiencing life instead of finding worth in a box full of sentences.

Anyone who tries to get too close to me might find I am like this thunder, a menacing cacophony of sound and swirling emotions. If my lightning strikes you I am sorry, it is my nature. Not only my nature but the building up of so many drops of rain, waiting for the moment that I can finally release this lachrymal cloud. Sweet relief, I wonder if the clouds feel the same way?

There are moments where I feel like I can anthropomorphize everything, maybe this is a product of drugs. I am slowly becoming more unreasonable, with no censorship on my imagination whatsoever. My right side of my brain is working well I see, if it makes me happy what's the difference? Maybe that's what caused our inventiveness from the beginning.

Once again sorry for my lightning everyone, it is a product of me trying to bring you rain.

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