Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Gravity is our walls

Do humans really want freedom? It is usually under duress that we perform our greatest, it is at the precipice that we change. If we had an infinite amount of time to do something, would we even feel the desire to do it? If there was no pressure at all, to make anything good or bad in the eyes of our fellow man, would we feel the need to put our greatest effort into it? What is better, throwing paint in the air or putting it into a square? Even if you were to take a picture of chaos it would be contained within a photograph.

We are similar with knowledge, anything we can capture, test and examine within the controls of the laboratory is what we consider our greatest truth. Knowledge is something we can contain within our minds, that works best when it is wrapped up in the folds of our cortex. Knowledge makes the most sense to us when there are rules and constants. That way we can forget about every question that comes with every answer. It is a rule, a conclusion that we settle upon. Believing in fact is the moment when our brains are the most naïve. Much like religion, simple concrete formulations we make about the extremities and unfathomable depths of the unknown. A simple statement that the universe is not shrouded in smoke, it is the smoke. Its like humans want to rule the universe and most animals want to rule over each other. But freedom itself is my question for the day;

I had a moment in my life where I felt like I probably knew more then than I did now and it was when I was around the age of kindergarten. I found a small crayfish amongst a maze of rocks sitting in a shallow stream. I eventually took out all of the rocks and formed a small box around it. A girl then said to me, “he doesn't want to be in a box.” and then I said, “well what if he has unlimited food and water, everything he needs to survive?” and the conversation never really went anywhere from there as far as I know, probably some name calling I would assume like poo poo head and big meanie. Because that's what children really do right? I love sarcasm it is like the tension of a bow, drawn back to simulate a meaning behind the words, and a preemptive demonstration of what is going to happen next. But I better not get off on any tangents again.

So what if we in fact are in such a box, a box that is perfect for us in nature and maybe even keeps us from being obliterated in the outside world. Like fish in a tank, we are protected by our atmosphere. Our little vivarium all neatly condensed in a sphere held by gravity. Is freedom then really that desirable? I mean I suppose the only way to break free would be to exit a rocket ship in space and suffocate to death, without a spacesuit of course which is a protective box as well. Like I said in my last post it is like we are on this continent with the ocean separating us from the rest of the universe. This is a common theme in my life now, I wonder why? What is it exactly that we desire to have ruling the universe? Order or chaos?

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