Monday, December 7, 2009


Failure is bittersweet, you have to live with the fact that you could not make it but be content with the fact that you don't have to try anymore.

Is this the day that any sort of passion left in me burns out? I'm not sure. I wish I could find a marker to put down where everything starts to go downhill.

Failure is the bane on my existence, it is there every time I feel successful. It always wins, and it is getting so old. Why do I personify failure? Because it has been with me so long I have to give it a name, Dom. Dom is a failure. The only person that could fix it is me, the only person that let it happen is me.

What would it mean if I tried to trudge out of this sinking pit I created?

"Oh hey look, Dom got out of his own failure, now he is almost as good as the rest of us."

No I'm too stubborn for that. Too hot headed. Egocentric. But hey forgive me, because at one point I believed I was something awesome. That is the type of narrow minded optimism that can get us through all these trials interspersed in our pitifully confused lives.

But hey, hopefully I bounce back like I usually do and delete this post out of sheer embarassment from that unforgiving critic in my head. This is not the kind of writing that anyone should read.