Saturday, February 7, 2009

Another random cool fact/story

Some crows in japan have figured out the most ingenious way to crack certain nuts they cannot crack themselves. Crows are among the smartest birds in the aviary genre. You can find a video on youtube of this just type in ingenious crows or something.

So basically some people video taped a crow in the city that would take a hard nut it couldn't crack and drop it at a crosswalk underneath a stop light. The crow put the nut in the exact part of the road where cars tires go through. When the light turns green the crow leaves the road and watches its nut. A car runs over the nut and smashes it open. But the crow still waits at the edge of the sidewalk. Once the crosswalk sign with the little white guy lights up the crow walks across the crosswalk and grabs its prize. The crow then turns around and waits to eat it until it gets out of the road.

What an amazing adaption by crows. Again crows are some of the smartest birds you will ever see. In a lab experiment a scientist puts a piece of food with a loop tied into it so that the loop is hanging out on top. He then puts this piece of food into a test tube that is too narrow and deep for a crow to poke its beek into. Next to the test tube the scientist puts a straight piece of metal like a straightened out paper clip. They let a crow into the room and after many failed attempts at getting the food with its beek the crow picks up the piece of metal. The crow then uses the test tube to bend the piece of metal into a hook shape by moving to the side and pushing it against the glass. keeping this piece of metal the crow then uses the hook of the metal to hook the loop on the food and pull it out of the test tube to eat it.

Both of these videos can be found on youtube,

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